NinerNet Communications™

Corporate Blog

Cookies scam

28 December 2024 01:28:00 +0000

Please do not fall for this scam!

I'm from tech support. I'm here to delete your cookies.

I’m from tech support. I’m here to delete your cookies.

NinerNet Christmas hours and wishes

24 December 2024 16:12:55 +0000

We’re a little late in getting this out, but our office is closed for the season and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025. Any non-emergent issues will be dealt with at that time; emergency support continues to be available 24/7.

Of course, our servers will continue to be monitored 24/7 for the remaining seven days of the 365 they are monitored this year, not to mention the first six of the next 365. 🙂 That is to say, they are monitored 24/7/365 each and every year!

We wish all of you, your employees, colleagues, families and friends all the best. We thank you for your ongoing patronage, and we look forward to talking to each of you in the New Year. We are pretty excited about what 2025 has in store for NinerNet.

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General Information:

This is the corporate blog of NinerNet Communications. It's where we post announcements, inform and educate our clients, and discuss issues related to the Internet (web and email) hosting business and all it entails. This includes concomitant industries and activities such as domain registration, SSL/TLS certificates, online back-up, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, etc. Please visit our main website for more information about us.



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