Please do not fall for this scam!

I’m from tech support. I’m here to delete your cookies.
Please do not fall for this scam!
I’m from tech support. I’m here to delete your cookies.
We’re a little late in getting this out, but our office is closed for the season and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025. Any non-emergent issues will be dealt with at that time; emergency support continues to be available 24/7.
Of course, our servers will continue to be monitored 24/7 for the remaining seven days of the 365 they are monitored this year, not to mention the first six of the next 365. 🙂 That is to say, they are monitored 24/7/365 each and every year!
We wish all of you, your employees, colleagues, families and friends all the best. We thank you for your ongoing patronage, and we look forward to talking to each of you in the New Year. We are pretty excited about what 2025 has in store for NinerNet.
Executive summary: Please pay your invoice on or before the due date!
We are writing this brief post to address a trend we have noticed in recent months. I want to make clear, though, this it does not apply to most of our clients, but it does apply to a significant number of them. However, it’s something everyone needs to know.
The trend is a tendency to leave payment of your invoice until what some people seem to think is an acceptable last minute.
I will admit that I myself have said a few times in the past that you have until the expiry date of your service to pay your invoice. My bad. This does apply to services that are 100% under our control — e.g., shared hosting (not VPS hosting though) — but if you wait until the expiry date of a service that is partially under the control of a third party — e.g., a domain registrar, a certificate authority, etc. — you are taking a big chance if you wait until the expiry date, because the chances are now significant that the service provided by the third party will go offline for a time.
If you look at our “billing procedures” page you will see that we aim to send our invoices on the 15th of the month. I admit that we don’t always meet that self-imposed deadline, but even if we miss it by a couple of days, this doesn’t affect the fact that our invoices must be paid in good time before your services expire. (Please keep a record of those dates and pay attention to our reminder emails.) Let’s look at the first example on that page, with an expiry date of 10 March. If it’s only your shared hosting that expires on that date, you get a one-week grace period (unless you’re in the process of transferring out), so even if you pay a day or two late, your hosting will not be interrupted.
However, if it’s your domain registration that expires on that date, it will go offline sometime on the expiry date between 00:01 and 23:59. So if you pay a couple of days late, your domain will be offline for a couple of days. If you’re one of the few people who don’t mind that, no problem; if you do mind that — as, I believe, most of you do — don’t wait until the last minute! Seriously.
The big however here though is that the registrar we currently use — which has changed names so many times in the last few years it’s difficult to keep track, but they currently go by the names “Team Internet” and/or “CentralNic Reseller” — actually deletes some domains before they expire! We currently know (without being informed in advance, mind you) that they delete dot-africa and dot-za domains two days before they expire. Why? We have no idea. We brought this to the attention of the dot-africa registry (Registry Africa Limited) and the dot-za registry (ZA Registry Consortium (Pty) Ltd.) earlier this year and, while they initially seemed to understand our outrage, six months later they sided with the registrar who is selling 365 days, but only providing 363 days. This is because the registrar has re-written contracts to redefine the term “year” to be whatever they want it to be. (They used to do this with dot-ca domains as well, but when we complained to the dot-ca registry, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority did the right thing and put our registrar in their place and made them comply with the dot-ca domain lifecycle.)
The result is that clients with dot-africa and dot-za domains who thought they had until the day their domains expired to pay their invoice, found that not only did their domains stop working two days before they were supposed to expire, but they also had to pay additional fees to have the registrar “un-delete” their domain, and wait for them to do so. These fees add up to several years worth of renewal fees. This also used to happen to dot-ca registrants until we complained and won that case.
It is also worth pointing out that if you acquired your domain through a “drop catcher” — a company that snaps up expiring domains the moment they “drop” — you also need to ensure that you pay your invoice well before your domain expires, at least a week if you’re paying by an electronic method. This is also because the domain registrar that almost always catches these domains (Network Solutions, aka Netsol) also engages in subterfuge to prevent our normal process of transferring your domain to our registrar, and also charges additional fees that add up to several years worth of renewal fees. If you wait until the day your domain expires to pay your invoice, you will find that we will have to issue a new invoice to you to pay these fees before we can transfer and renew your domain.
But the point of this post — which is much longer than I envisioned — is this: don’t delay paying your invoice until the day your service expires or a day or two beforehand. Sure, if the money sits in your bank account for a few more days, and you’re lucky enough to earn interest on your balance, you’ll earn a few cents or ngwees more, but at the risk you’ll have to pay significantly more dollars or kwachas! Is that worth it? No, it’s not.
Our invoices used to include a “PLEASE PAY BY” date, three weeks after the invoice date. That was our overly polite way (although that’s not the full reason) of describing a due date. Because most of our services are prepaid, and we stopped charging interest on late payments many years ago, we became quite loosey-goosey. However, we have gone back to describing that date as a “due date”, and on that date the clock starts; every day you wait to pay after that date increases the risk that your now-unpaid service will go offline when it expires.
Update, 2024-11-25: Clarified that you only get a week’s grace period on shared hosting if you are not already in the process of transferring your hosting out.
This post confirms a mass email we have just sent to a number of registrants of dot-ca domains.
We have decided to change the registrar with which we register dot-ca domains. We are actually returning to OpenSRS; the reasons we left them in 2018 have never really been fixed, but we maintained our account with them because, despite their operational issues, they are a decent registrar that generally tries to do the right thing by dot-ca registrants. Considering the trouble we have had with our current registrar — who go by more names than you can shake a stick at, but they include “CENTRALNIC CANADA INC“, “Team Internet” and “CentralNic Reseller” — this is a significant improvement! The new (old) registrar is, as stated above, OpenSRS, but they also trade under the name of their parent company, Tucows.
We are letting you know that you (as your domain’s owner, or registrant) need to approve this transfer because you ultimately have choice in the matter and have control over your domain. As your domain advisor and host, we recommend that you accept this transfer because it means that pretty much everything will stay the same for your hosting and billing, and the domain renewal you have already paid for will take place at the same time. Additionally, approving this transfer will not interrupt your domain’s service in any way. This is how we continue to serve you and provide our services.
One of the ways in which OpenSRS has not improved — it blows my mind after six years — is that they still can’t seem to decide from which domain they send their emails! You will receive emails from addresses on the and domains. After your domain is transferred you will go back to receiving emails from the “domainsupport” address on the domain. The initial message will have the subject, “Transfer Request for DOMAIN.CA”, where DOMAIN.CA will be your dot-ca domain. Please click the link in the message, select the option to approve the transfer and enter your “transfer key”, which we will send to you separately immediately after this message.
After the transfer completes a few minutes later you will also receive confirmation emails from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) using the email address All of these messages that you’ll receive around the time you approve the transfer(s) are legitimate, but if you have any questions please do contact NinerNet support.
Thank-you for following these instructions, and thank-you for your continued business.
We no longer invoice our Zambian clients or accept payments in kwachas due to the incompetence of Stanbic Bank. This will change in early 2025 due to our planned change in management structure, which will include banking with a competent Zambian bank. Until then invoices will be issued in US dollars.
We apologize for this temporary interruption.
Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are decreasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 7%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and
Some sample rates:
Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours. We are very sorry that this review is so late this quarter.
As we’ve said outright and intimated over the years, the battle against spam is never-ending.
One thing we have noticed in the last year or so is that a huge amount of spam comes from certain TLDs (top-level domains), but blocking entire TLDs is a bit radical. We have generally avoided doing so, but the time has come to block the following two alternative TLDs:
These are simply two regular domains, but they are owned by CentralNIC (now “Team Internet” because they can’t make up their minds about how they want to be known) who market them as TLDs — just as NinerNet markets the domain as an alternative TLD (actually, SLD, second-level domain) for Zambia. Therefore, you can buy the sub-domain and CentralNIC doesn’t seem to make even a cursory attempt to stop spammers from using their domains to spam, so we now block all messages sent from all addresses on those two “pseudo” TLDs — e.g., and We’re considering blocking the .top TLD as well, for the same reason, but we haven’t yet. You can certainly block entire TLDs from reaching your email addresses as well, if you feel this rather extreme move will benefit your domain.
If you happen to correspond with a legitimate correspondent on one of those alternative TLDs, please contact NinerNet support and we will work with you to address the problem you will now have communicating with them.
Thanks for your attention to this matter.
Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 4%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and
Some sample rates:
Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.
Update, 2024-04-09: Corrected the webONE example rate.
A little earlier this month several of our clients with websites contacted us as a result of being sent an email message by their website designer/manager with the subject, “Updating sending DNS for newsletters”. This is as a result of the fact that Yahoo and Gmail recently decided to start enforcing email rules that the rest of us have been following for many years, but since those two providers have a huge share of the market, when they sneeze the rest of us catch a cold.
The fact is that all domains we host are already configured to follow all the rules to ensure that your messages are securely received by destination mail servers, so you and we are already in compliance with the rules that Gmail and Yahoo have just finally woken up to.
The only difference of which some of our clients need to be aware comes up when they’re using a mass-email provider to send out mass emails. As we have long advised, even though that particular post is from only last year, we strongly suggest that mass emails be sent using a service provider that specialises in that service; NinerNet does not. Yes, we have an option in our mail server’s control panel to create mailing lists, but doing so is inadvisable unless you’re just creating a very small list of your own employees, or maybe a few of your customers … with “few” in this case being defined as only a few dozen, definitely fewer than 100. If you have more than one hundred, which we certainly hope you do, then please use a company like Mailchimp. (They’re just one example; we don’t have any sort of deal with them.) Getting many emails out to many recipients successfully is not for the faint of heart; it’s a time-consuming process involving staying on top of all of the rules to avoid spam filters that enforce those rules and deem messages as spam if they are not following all the rules. And it’s especially time-consuming to prevent spam from being sent out using those services!
To follow the instructions that your mass-email provider provides you will need to log into and check the DNS settings for your domain in the nameserver control panel, and either add the records they suggest or modify the ones that already exist. For example, your domain already has an SPF record, so you will need to modify the existing record while keeping the information that the existing record already contains. If the instructions you’re following don’t make it clear how to do that, please contact NinerNet support and we will assist you.
Occasionally, and even more often lately, we’re asked — usually indirectly, because the “question” is more the statement that is the title of this blog post — about disk-space management when it comes to the limited email quotas that exist in every email account in the world, despite claims of “unlimited” this and “unlimited” that made by shyster hosting companies the world over.
Contrary to popular belief, you are not obligated to delete messages; you only have to move them off of the server. You can very easily do this in any full-featured email program by creating folders that are on your hard drive, as opposed to the server. Then you can archive messages by dragging them to your “local” folders, which moves the messages off of the server onto your local hard drive.
We really should create some detailed instructions on our website for this, as we’re finding this come up more often. For now though we’ll point you to this link:
Here it shows you how to create local folders, which it also calls “personal” folders for some reason, perhaps because of Microsoft’s terminology. This will mean that you will continue to have these messages (they’re not deleted), but they just won’t be available in the webmail or whenever you’re accessing your email that is stored on the server itself, such as possibly on your phone.
It refers to this page on the Microsoft website:
The video there seems to be a good summary of what you need to do. There’s a warning at the top of the page that states, “Support for Office 2013 has ended”, but the same principle applies even if the actual technique of creating local/personal folders has changed more recently in Outlook, or if you’re (very smartly) using a different email program. It has been years since I did this in Outlook myself for a client, but it works very well.
I do the same about monthly on my own computer. Once a month I archive all emails from two months previously into “local” folders on my own hard drive, thereby freeing up space on the server. The local folders are organised by year and month, so they look like this:
Then, next month (March, since this is being posted in February), I will just drag all of the emails I received in January into the local “January” sub-folder under the 2024 folder. I also create a folder hierarchy for my sent messages, organised in the same way by year and month. This way I always have this month’s and last month’s emails on the server (and available on my phone or in the webmail), and anything before that on my own hard drive. However, you can archive messages by any scheme you desire, not just by date. And, of course, if there are special messages that you want available on the server at any time, just move or copy them into folders you create on the server.
We’re all used to being aware of the fact that our hard drives are finite, even though they grow exponentially every time we buy a new machine, so we don’t save every awesome cat video we see and install software as if there’s a race to install all the software we can before we die. It’s the same with our email accounts, although on a much smaller scale.
Yes, it’s great that we can use IMAP on multiple machines or devices to have access to all past messages wherever we are at any given moment. But do we really need access to that message from 18 October 1987? Sure, there may be the occasional need to have access to a really old message — especially in industries where that is regulated by law — but not necessarily at our fingertips 24/7.
We hope that helps you understand how email works. And this applies to all email accounts with all providers, even Gmail. Daily (including at this very moment as I write this) we see outgoing messages queued on our mail server for Gmail accounts that are full. Usually they bounce after a few days unless the Gmail account owner clears up some space, usually using the technique above.
If you have any questions at all about this, and you are a NinerNet client (or want to be), please feel free to contact NinerNet support. Thank-you.
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