NinerNet Communications™

Corporate Blog

Our new rates

16 February 2025 22:43:33 +0000

We sent the following information to our existing clients on 14 February 2025:

As we advised on 29 November 2024, we have a new retail rate system. These rates are already in effect for new clients, and they go into effect today for existing clients. Invoices issued this month will use the new rates.

Our rates page will be updated next week, but here is a summary of the changes:

  • Web hosting: Hosting a website will now cost only US$10/C$15 per month, down from up to US$40 per month. (More on exchange rates in a moment, especially for you Canadians.) As we said in November, this will cover websites of all sizes that we currently host. If a company with a website the size and complexity required by the likes of Google or Microsoft shows up, this will not apply, and we will quote on their specific needs. Aliasing additional domains to the same website will be done at no additional charge.
  • DNS/nameserver hosting: NinerNet will provide DNS hosting for US$20/C$30 per year per domain, which is the same as our current rate. Almost all of our clients have only one domain. If a client has two domains (for example) aliased to the same email and/or web hosting we will offer significant discounts. So if someone has and pointing to the same website and/or the same email accounts, they will not both be US$20 but the second will be discounted.
  • Email hosting: We will no longer offer “bundles” of email accounts: if you want one email account, you will pay for one email account; if you want a thousand email accounts, you will pay for a thousand. No longer do you have to upgrade to the next package if you want to go from five email accounts to six. Email accounts will be US$4/C$6 each per month and will include 25 GB of disk space — room for about 3.6 million average-sized email messages that don’t contain any attachments like cat videos. 🙂 Of course, some of your emails will contain cat videos, not to mention product catalogues, company videos, etc. That’s OK!; you’re allowed to send and receive those. For managing the amount of space you use on the server we have long recommended an archiving scheme. If you choose not to use an archiving scheme like that, that’s OK, you’re allowed to do that too, and when your email account grows to exceed the 25 GB we include, then we’ll start invoicing you for the additional space you need at the same rate of US$5/C$7.50 per 100 MB per month in 100 MB increments. You can use the mail server control panel to determine how much space each of your email accounts are using.

Other things you should know:

  • Currency exchange rates: Our rates are based on the US dollar. This is because, as you know, international commerce is largely based on that currency, and American companies have largely cornered the market on providing top-of-the line IT services like data centres. (Largely, not totally.) For currencies like the Canadian dollar the exchange rate has generally remained fairly stable; for the Zambian kwacha this has not been the case, and we revised our kwacha rates quarterly, sometimes putting prices up, sometimes taking them down. Zambians are used to this but Canadians are not. However, due to the unpredictable economic landscape between the US and Canada these days (bad timing on our part!), the value of the Canadian dollar in US dollars has taken a dive. This has resulted in our Canadian-dollar rates increasing. Our current exchange rate of 1.5 will not remain that way for years though, as we’ll keep an eye on it and adjust it if necessary, but likely not more than once a year. When we start to accept payment in kwachas again, we’ll likely go back to quarterly revisions, while the US dollar rates on which other currencies’ rates are calculated will remain the same barring any major changes.
  • Do I need to pay something different even if my hosting is not expiring for a few months?: No, if you have already paid for hosting and have an expiry date in the future, your rates and your hosting will not change until your next invoice.
  • Can I continue to be invoiced annually?: This will likely depend on the nature of your account. For many clients you will continue to be invoiced annually if you had previously chosen to be. If you have managed your account in a more fluid fashion, changing the quotas of your email accounts with some regularity and adding and removing accounts more often, then you will likely be invoiced quarterly. This will actually affect very few clients, but it will affect some.
  • Will the disk quotas of individual accounts be managed and charged for separately?: No, entire domains will be assigned a disk space quota based on the number of email accounts they need. So if a client needs 10 email accounts, their domain will be assigned a quota of 250 GB (10 x 25 GB). If you want to assign a small quota of 10 GB to one account and a quota of 50 GB to another, you can. This would mean one or more accounts could use more disk space than other accounts and not incur greater charges.

We look forward a new rate system that more fairly charges based on actual usage, and doesn’t railroad clients into accepting bigger packages just because they need one more email account. We emphasise once again that most clients will not see their total invoices change, and some will even see their charges decrease. We remain open to any feedback on the new system. Thank-you.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q4 2024

1 October 2024 00:00:52 +0000

We no longer invoice our Zambian clients or accept payments in kwachas due to the incompetence of Stanbic Bank. This will change in early 2025 due to our planned change in management structure, which will include banking with a competent Zambian bank. Until then invoices will be issued in US dollars.

We apologize for this temporary interruption.

The incompetence of Stanbic Bank is no longer tolerable

19 September 2024 15:26:16 +0000

Stanbic logo crossed.

As our Zambian clients are well aware, we have had nothing but trouble with Stanbic Bank of Zambia this year. Our business account has been locked/frozen multiple times, and it’s a huge hassle to get access again each time. In the meantime we can’t confirm receipt of payments so that we can send receipts to our clients. And we can’t manage our funds to pay bills and so on.

When I was in the country in May 2024 I approached Immigration and let them know that I wanted an Immigration permit for one reason and one reason only: To open a new bank account. I suppose my honesty must have flummoxed the first person I spoke to, so he referred me to a supervisor. The supervisor told me that I didn’t need to go that far (i.e., get a permit just to open a bank account); all I needed to do was talk to his unemployed friend who could “assist” me if I just “bought him lunch”. Of course, we all know what the quoted words in that last sentence mean: bribes.

I was desperate at this point. I joke to everyone I know that all of my grey hair is the result of dealing with Stanbic for the last sixteen years. It may be a slight exaggeration, but it’s not far from the truth. One of these days I will write a book, or at least document sixteen years of torment at the hands of Stanbic on an anonymous blog.

Anyway, considering my desperation I followed the supervisor’s advice and contacted his unemployed “friend”. However, besides the fact that I had no way to know how hungry said friend was planning to be at lunch time, it turned out this guy didn’t know anything about business accounts. So I just gave up and told him where to go.

This is relevant because my grandly named “business banker” at Stanbic decided in about June or July to start their officially sanctioned harassment project on NinerNet, known euphemistically as “KYC”, Know Your Client. It’s completely legitimate, of course, because since I opened our account in 2008 I may have changed my identity, and with the vast sums of money that our clients pay us NinerNet could single-handedly be financing all of the wars in the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan … on and on the list and our largesse grows. Stanbic harassed us about a year or two ago, and I finally told them that either they could close our account and I would move our business out of the country, stop paying their exorbitant monthly fees, and stop paying taxes to the ZRA … or they could just let us carry on running our legitimate business as usual. I, of course, have no idea how the brain trust that runs Stanbic thinks, but that fended off the harassment.

Until now. Our business banker again made threats that our account would be closed if we didn’t produce a permit, despite the fact that we obviously produced a TP (temporary permit) to open the account in 2008. So the whole reason I abandoned the plan to open a new account back in May was now being forced on us by brainless bean counters at Stanbic. And then one day, we were locked (again!) out of online banking.

We tried to contact our “business banker” at Stanbic, but he was apparently on leave. Please note that when someone is on leave from Stanbic they do not feel the need to shift that person’s work to another employee so that the bank can continue serving their clients; you just have to wait until they get back from the beach to get help. Not satisfied with this, I reached out to another Stanbic employee. Miracle of miracles, I had access to our Stanbic account a couple of days later.

But that was the last straw. We can’t go on wondering from one day to the next if we’re going to have access to our account. We can’t go on wondering if we’re going to have access to our funds, that we have earned from our clients and had paid to us in our account to pay our suppliers. Tying to do business under these conditions is intolerable.

So we have pulled the plug. Starting with our invoices this month, we will no longer be invoicing our Zambian clients in kwachas. We will squeeze the few remaining kwachas in our account out to pay our suppliers — data centres, domains registrars, phone companies, “tax consultants” — and then we will abandon our Stanbic accounts. (What’s the point in jumping through Stanbic’s hoops to close them formally?!) By the end of September 2024 we will no longer accept payments into our Stanbic account. Our September invoices will be issued by our Canadian company and will be payable in US dollars. We are in the process of de-registering NinerNet Communications in Zambia, and we have stopped filing tax returns and paying taxes to the ZRA.

Zambia has won; we admit defeat.

We are not paying billions of kwachas in taxes; we are just a small Zambian business trying to do the right thing. We are trying to run a business that provides excellent service to Zambians, and we are trying to pay our taxes to contribute to the Zambian economy, an economy that is hobbled by ZESCO inflicting load shedding for up to 20 hours a day. (There are only 24 hours in a full day!) In return we are treated like absolute crap by Stanbic, ostensibly enforcing rules that make our ability to carry on doing business impossible. These conditions make it impossible for NinerNet Communications, a Zambian-registered and tax-paying company, to continue doing business in Zambia. And if one Zambian small business is driven out of the country in this manner, it’s only a matter of time before all Zambian small businesses are driven out of business.

We regret that we have been forced into this situation, but we see no other option at this time. In early 2025 NinerNet in Zambia will be reborn under a new management structure, and will again have a Zambian bank account, but not with Stanbic. When this happens we will again be able to invoice our clients and accept payments in kwachas. Until then, though, Zambian clients will be issued invoices by our Canadian company and accept payments only in US dollars, and our Canadian company will pay taxes to the Canadian government and will not pay taxes to the Zambian government.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2024

12 July 2024 14:10:40 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are decreasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 7%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 385.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 255.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 485.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours. We are very sorry that this review is so late this quarter.

Microsoft issue update, and our invoices are very late this month

30 June 2024 23:58:21 +0000

Due to a number of factors this month, our invoices are about as late as they have ever been, for those of you who are being invoiced this month.

As is often the case when things don’t go right, there wasn’t any single factor that caused this; it was the result of a number of factors, not the least of which was the considerable amount of time we spent dealing with the block of our mail server implemented by Microsoft. You know how important working email is to you, and it is not lost on us how important email is to you and therefore our business. So we literally dropped almost everything (including this month’s invoicing!) to deal with and mitigate the problem caused by Microsoft. In fact, on 28 June (Friday) we updated our blog post about this at:

NC036: Significant issue with delivery of email to Microsoft-hosted domains

You’ll find the update at the bottom of the post with Friday’s date on it in bold. The situation now is essentially that we are back to where we were before Microsoft started bouncing mail to domains they host on 20 June; in other words, to use the term used by some of you, the situation is “resolved”, and we’re back to dealing with individual bounces as necessary. Email bounces sometimes; it’s a fact of life. It’s the email system’s feedback loop to ensure that you know what has happened to an email you send if it wasn’t delivered as you expect. No news is generally good news, as that means your message was delivered, and now you’re waiting for the human on the other end to reply.

Also in the last two weeks we’ve had to address situations with two clients that were expecting different outcomes on issues they had brought to our attention; one of them has been dealt with as far as we can at this point, and the other will be dealt with right after our invoices go out shortly. We apologise to both clients who had to deal with the fact that we couldn’t give them as much attention as quickly as we usually do when clients need us. As of a couple of hours from now, everything will be back to normal, and we thank those clients and all of you expecting invoices on 15 June for your patience.

The date on our invoices will be 28 June (the most recent business day this month), and the suggested pay-by date is 19 July. However, if you are being invoiced this month please pay close attention to the expiry dates of your services and/or domains, as if they are before 19 July you do either need to pay your invoice before the earliest expiry date noted on your invoice, or contact us to make arrangements to ensure that we are aware that you will pay your invoice so that we renew your domains or services so that they stay online. Those of you who are again scheduled to be invoiced on 15 July will see your June balance carried forward, if you haven’t paid your June invoice yet, but since we don’t charge interest on unpaid balances this will not negatively affect anyone.

We apologise for making you do so much reading lately, and I can assure you that we work very hard to ensure that our systems run as close to 100%, 100% of the time as possible. We’ll never reach 100%, 100% of the time — nobody does, even Microsoft and Gmail — but the closer we can come to that goal, the easier your life is and the easier our life is.

Thank-you, as always, for your patience during troubling times. If you have any questions or feedback, please do contact NinerNet support.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2024

3 April 2024 23:06:32 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 4%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 410.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 275.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 525.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Update, 2024-04-09: Corrected the webONE example rate.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q1 2024

1 January 2024 00:00:30 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 23%! (Yikes!) The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 398.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 265.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 495.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Update, 2024-01-10: Reduced gTLD rate to under K500.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q4 2023

2 October 2023 09:55:53 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 19%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 325.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 215.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 410.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Update, 2023-10-05: Corrected mailONE rate, as it was miscalculated.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2023

1 July 2023 00:00:44 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are decreasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 18%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 270.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 180.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 350.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2023

1 April 2023 00:00:44 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 16%. The base USD rates remain the same, as do our kwacha rates for the Zambian TLDs, dot-zm and

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 330.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 220.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 420.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

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General Information:

This is the corporate blog of NinerNet Communications. It's where we post announcements, inform and educate our clients, and discuss issues related to the Internet (web and email) hosting business and all it entails. This includes concomitant industries and activities such as domain registration, SSL/TLS certificates, online back-up, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, etc. Please visit our main website for more information about us.



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