NinerNet Communications™

Corporate Blog

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2020

1 April 2020 00:00:00 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 32%. If we see a significant improvement in the value of the kwacha we may revise this rate sooner than the next quarter.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 277.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 185.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 351.50

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Business during the COVID-19 pandemic

19 March 2020 02:54:52 +0000

We know that some of you are no doubt weary of COVID-19 (coronavirus) news updates, but we’re prompted to make this brief statement.

NinerNet‘s operations are not currently, nor forecast to be, affected by this pandemic. We do have business continuity plans, but at this point they have not needed to be activated beyond following public health guidelines and directives. We have had communications from some (but not all) suppliers that they are implementing contingency plans to ensure the continuity of their own businesses, and therefore we do not anticipate we or you (our clients) will be adversely affected.

It’s important to remember that the vast majority of the relatively small numbers of people who have been affected so far have recovered. This means life will no doubt carry on as usual in the near future.

In the meantime though, as the operators of a service on which you rely for information communication, we want to remind you that the scammers and spammers never rest — in fact, through our spam filtering we know they are already at work, attempting to take advantage of fear. If you receive any email about the pandemic — offering rumours, cures, masks, hand sanitiser or even (in some parts of the world) toilet paper! — they are best ignored.

We very much appreciate your business. We hope you are staying safe and healthy, and we look forward to continuing to serve you for many years to come. If we can help you or your business in some way during this time, please do tell us how.

Here are some links that may help you get some factual information from your governmental health authorities:

Thank-you, and stay well.


Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q1 2020

1 January 2020 00:00:52 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are (for the first time in a while) maintaining our retail kwacha prices until the next quarterly review.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 210.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 140.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 266.00

Our new kwacha rates are available on our website.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q4 2019

1 October 2019 04:08:30 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 4%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 210.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 140.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 266.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2019

1 July 2019 00:00:50 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 4%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 202.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 135.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 256.50

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2019

1 April 2019 00:00:09 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 4%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 195.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 130.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 247.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q1 2019

1 January 2019 00:00:20 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are maintaining our retail kwacha prices until the next quarterly review.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 187.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 125.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 237.50

Our kwacha rates are available on our website.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q4 2018

1 October 2018 00:00:17 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 19%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 187.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 125.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 237.50

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2018

1 July 2018 02:21:08 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are maintaining our retail kwacha prices until the next quarterly review.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 157.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 105.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 199.50

Our kwacha rates are available on our website.

Mathematically speaking, by the slimmest of margins, we should be increasing our rates to the next level. If the trend continues then we will next quarter, but the trend is just as likely to stay the same or even reverse marginally, and so in the interests of stability we’re keeping our rates where they are.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2018

1 April 2018 00:00:02 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are maintaining our retail kwacha prices until the next quarterly review.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 157.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 105.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 199.50

Our kwacha rates are available on our website.

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General Information:

This is the corporate blog of NinerNet Communications. It's where we post announcements, inform and educate our clients, and discuss issues related to the Internet (web and email) hosting business and all it entails. This includes concomitant industries and activities such as domain registration, SSL/TLS certificates, online back-up, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, etc. Please visit our main website for more information about us.



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