NinerNet Communications™

Corporate Blog

Shaw continues to have problems receiving email

17 August 2022 11:36:57 +0000

We’ve posted countless times now about this, and really, this is likely to be the last time. Shaw’s email filtering sub-contractor continues to block legitimate email from NinerNet servers. This legitimate email includes messages from banks, universities and the like. We’re not talking about spam here, but legitimate financial and business email.

As we’ve said before, we strongly advise that you do not use automatic forwarding of all messages. There are actually very few, limited circumstances under which this is necessary. If you’re not clear on why, please contact us to ask and we’ll be happy to discuss this with you. There may be something related to email you’re not fully understanding.

In other Shaw-related news, NinerNet was not affected by the Rogers outage last month. This is Shaw-related because Rogers will very likely be taking over Shaw, which means that future Rogers outages will be spread, like a virus, to the Shaw system too. Thankfully, none of NinerNet’s systems rely on Shaw or Rogers at all. This is a design choice that we made long ago.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2022

1 July 2022 00:00:05 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are decreasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 3%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 270.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 180.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 342.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2022

1 April 2022 00:00:45 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 6%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 277.50
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 185.50
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 351.50

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Significant recent spam activity

16 March 2022 02:30:11 +0000

In the last 48 hours we have seen a significant increase in the number of email accounts that have been compromised due to the virus infection of a large number of our clients’ machines and/or devices. In one case that we know of, one of our resellers stated that they “have a company wide nightmare [of] machines spamming each other and everyone they have ever talked to via email.” This is not good. They have been working with their client to get a handle on this, and as of Tuesday their time this issue seems to be under control for them.

However, since then we have had multiple other email accounts compromised on multiple domains. Please note that email accounts are “compromised” when the machine or device on which the account is configured is infected with a virus. This is not under the control of NinerNet, but you and your employees and colleagues. Please ensure that you have updated anti-virus programs or apps installed, and please do not open attachments from unknown senders. Even attachments from known senders must be treated with extreme care, because viruses tend to come from other infected machines, and they could be the machines or devices of people you know.

Some reminders for all clients:

  • Please ensure you have anti-virus software (or an app) installed on all machines (computers) and devices (phones/tablets),
  • Please only open attachments after they have been scanned for viruses,
  • Please be extra careful of attachments sent from unknown senders, and
  • NinerNet’s mail server scans incoming and outgoing messages for viruses, but if the vendor of the software isn’t aware of the existence of the virus it may get through. If you also have anti-virus software installed, then that additional scan could make the difference between a normal day and an expensive day you’d rather forget.

At this point it looks like we nipped these outbreaks in the bud, so our mail servers are not in any additional blacklists. However, please do contact NinerNet support if you have any issues with outgoing email, or if you have any questions.


Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q1 2022

1 January 2022 13:22:10 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are maintaining our retail kwacha prices until the next quarterly review.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 262.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 175.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 333.00

Our kwacha rates are available on our website.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q4 2021

1 October 2021 06:15:51 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are excited to announce that we are lowering our retail kwacha prices (for the first time since 2017) effective today and until the next quarterly review by 26%!

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 262.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 175.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 333.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Office hours

17 August 2021 11:00:53 +0000

NinerNet‘s offices will be closed from Tuesday 17 August and will re-open on Monday 30 August. Emergency support will continue to be available 24/7, but routine emails and enquiries will be dealt with on Monday 30 August. Thank-you.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q3 2021

1 July 2021 00:00:02 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 2%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 352.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 235.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 446.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

Quarterly kwacha rate review, Q2 2021

1 April 2021 00:00:32 +0000

Based on the current value of the Zambian kwacha in US dollars and recent trends, we are increasing our retail kwacha prices effective today and until the next quarterly review by about 5%.

Some sample rates:

  • webONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 345.00
  • mailONE hosting plan (monthly): ZMW 230.00
  • gTLD domain (annually): ZMW 435.00

Our new kwacha rates will be online within 24 hours.

A couple of issues today

27 January 2021 10:28:08 +0000

We, as well as some clients today, have received phishing emails advising the recipients to follow a link to deal with emails that have been quarantined or “suspended” on the mail server. These emails are scams, and do not come from addresses on the domain. Do not click on the links, and delete the emails.

Secondly, we are aware that the primary mail server’s IP address is in at least one new blacklist as a result of our data centre being blacklisted. If email you send is bounced for this reason, please advise us and we will re-route email to that domain via one of our relay servers.

Please contact NinerNet support if you have any questions or need to report something. Thank-you.

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General Information:

This is the corporate blog of NinerNet Communications. It's where we post announcements, inform and educate our clients, and discuss issues related to the Internet (web and email) hosting business and all it entails. This includes concomitant industries and activities such as domain registration, SSL/TLS certificates, online back-up, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, etc. Please visit our main website for more information about us.



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