NinerNet Communications™

Corporate Blog

New Bank of Zambia currency regulations

15 June 2012 09:57:44 +0000

On 12 June we learnt of The Bank of Zambia (Currency) Regulations, 2012, that were apparently passed on 7 May, came into effect on 18 May, and were posted on the BOZ website on 7 June. Despite the fact that our US dollar-based invoices have always included, according to previous law, a kwacha value (the other option on a foreign currency-based invoice is [or was] to include a conversion rate), it appears now that the mere mention of a foreign currency is illegal, and punishable by significant fines and/or jail terms.

Although NinerNet has clients in quite a number of countries around the world, in Zambia we operate through a locally-registered, turnover tax company named (believe it or not) “NinerNet Communications“. (Doing so significantly improves our ability to operate competitively in Zambia, and we have always been quick to point out to prospective Zambian clients that our invoices can be settled locally in kwachas.) As a result, our business in Zambia must be considered domestic, and so we are subject to this new law.

Unfortunately this news arrived too late for us to reconfigure and re-program our invoicing system in time for June’s invoicing. Therefore we will be adding prominent notices to our June invoice emails and the invoices themselves which indicate that, despite the presence of dollar amounts on the invoice, we “demand to be paid” in kwachas in accordance with section 4 of the new Regulations. To be clear, to comply with this law we can no longer accept payment in US dollars (or any other foreign currency) on “domestic transactions” in Zambia. In fact, we will be closing our dollar account in July.

By 1 July we will be issuing invoices denominated in kwachas only. We’ll also be adding a rates page for kwachas to our website, rather than simply referring clients to the US dollar rates. We’ll send a follow-up email to advise you of the new, fixed rates when they’re published. We have not finalised these yet, but we anticipate basing the new rates on an even exchange rate that hedges slightly against future variations. This will result in a price increase of about 87ยข … oops, I mean K4500 per month for those clients on our most popular hosting plan, with the benefit being that your invoice won’t fluctuate from month to month.

I welcome your feedback on this issue. The commenting system on this blog is not working (yet!), so please contact me through the contact form on the NinerNet website to let me have your thoughts. Thanks.


Potential strike by Canada Post employees

19 May 2011 22:42:26 +0000

Depending on who you listen to, a strike at Canada Post is either imminent or a remote possibility. However, certain large customers of Canada Post — e.g., at least one ministry of the British Columbia provincial government, to name one — have decided that they’re not taking any chances and have sent critical mail out a week earlier than scheduled.

As is the case for any business, we need our clients to keep paying their bills during a postal strike. Fortunately we send out our invoices via email, so there are no issues with the delivery of those. However, unlike most hosting companies, we accept payment by cheque, and so if you regularly pay your invoice by cheque (and send it to us via postal mail, of course) you may need to make alternative arrangements if there is a strike, especially if it’s a protracted one. (This does not apply to our Zambian clients.)

We accept online payment via credit card, and would encourage you to pay your invoices using this method. If you’re in the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley or Victoria areas of British Columbia, you may also make deposits directly to our Vancity account. The details for these methods of payment and others that don’t involve the post office are in the emails that you receive to which your invoices are attached.

If you have any questions or concerns about making sure that we receive your payments on time during a postal strike, please contact us. Thank-you.

Billing reminder

4 November 2010 17:23:47 +0000

We’d like to remind those clients who pay their invoices via direct deposit, bank transfer or some other means that does not pass through our hands or website that we need you to let us know — independently of whatever action you took to pay your invoice — that you have made a payment. Even if you have included some sort of reference information with your payment, such as your name or company name, client code or invoice number, this information is not always provided to us by our banks. Additionally, most of our clients with a standard configuration of some sort are billed the same amount as other clients, so if we have multiple payments of an identical amount with no additional information, we have no way of knowing whose accounts to credit.

If we do not know who to credit, your account will go through the normal billing cycle, and you may be surprised to receive payment reminders and expiry and suspension notices. Please claim your payment so that this does not happen!

Relevant information we need to confirm receipt of your payment includes:

  • Payment date
  • Payment amount
  • Method of payment
  • Identifying number, such as a cheque number, transfer number, etc.

Thanks very much for helping us make sure your payments are credited to your account in a timely manner.

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This is the corporate blog of NinerNet Communications. It's where we post announcements, inform and educate our clients, and discuss issues related to the Internet (web and email) hosting business and all it entails. This includes concomitant industries and activities such as domain registration, SSL/TLS certificates, online back-up, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, etc. Please visit our main website for more information about us.



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